{Semi} Wordless Wednesday: Phil Hardberger Park

This past weekend I was fortunate enough to spend some time at Phil Hardberger Park here in San Antonio. Phase two (out of five) was just completed and opened on May 21st so I was anxious to go explore. Sunday morning was spent walking with KJ and our dogs, I only brought my lab Maggie that day, around the trails that opened with Phase 1. It was my first time on those trails as I usually only go there to take the dogs to the dog park so it was nice to explore another part of the park. On Sunday, I returned to the park with my other dog, Ruby, and we hit the trails over on phase 1 of the park before heading over to check out phase 2. Phase 2 also has a dog park, so of course I had to take Ruby to check it out, as well as brand new basketball courts, playground, picnic tables, trails and gigantic hay sculptures. Yes, you read that right- gigantic hay sculptures. It’s pretty fantastic.

Phil Hardberger Park Phase 1




This is called the ‘Water Loop’ trail. There are three bridges that you cross while on the trail. Sadly, there is no water under any of the bridges. It really gives you an idea of how bad the drought is here in San Antonio already.


We stopped for a water break. Ruby certainly loved being out on the trails!




Phil Hardberger Park Phase 2




It looks like the weather was gray and overcast and the pictures came out kind of dark but really it was because it was so sunny I had to hold my hand over the lens on my iPhone just to be able to somewhat see what I was taking a picture of. It was crazy sunny! Next time I am back there I promise to take some better pictures!



Ruby loved checking out the new dog park. Just like on the other side, this dog park had one section for small dogs and another for large dogs. We were in the large dog section because Ruby thinks she is a Lab not a Boston Terrier 🙂


My friend KJ says her favorite thing about San Antonio is the parks. There are so many parks within the city limits and she is always amazed at how once you step foot inside and are surrounded by nature it is hard to believe you are still in the city. I agree with her completely, the parks are one of my favorite things about San Antonio, too. I feel so lucky that I get to spend time exploring these little pieces of country living, inside the city.

Thanks for reading!

June 1, 2011. Tags: , , , , , , , . Life, Relaxation, San Antonio, wordless wednesday. 4 comments.