
Happy Halloween! I hope everyone had a great weekend and hopefully you have some fun plans on the horizon for this evening. I will be at back-to-back boxing classes but hopefully I will be home in time to catch the tail end of the trick-or-treaters. If you remember from Friday’s post, Paul and I were going to be working/volunteering at the Haunted House and Halloween party on post at the Warrior Transition Unit family center. I spent Thursday night getting my zombie costume together and then Friday after work I was running around like a mad women trying to put the finishing touches on it (rubbing my jeans and t-shirt in the dirt to ‘age’ them) before heading over to help set up. I did not however, wear my costume or put on my makeup before heading over there as I was concerned the guards wouldn’t let me through the gates.

I told you that I was going to have Paul take some pictures of me all zombied up and that of course I would share them with you so without further ado I give you Zombie Dacia…


Are you confused yet? Are you tying to figure out what you are looking at? It doesn’t look like I am in costume, does it?

You are correct. I ended up being asked to help work the cookie/cupcake decorating station instead of the haunted house. This is where I spent my night. That’s me filling a piping bag with butter cream frosting. Scary, I know. Here are a few more pictures from the cookie station.




Was I disappointed that I didn’t get to dress up as a zombie? Of course. Did I let it ruin my night? Not at all. Those kids were great. It was so much fun watching them decorate. They had a great time and so did I. I am not sure how many kids came through but we did end up running out of cakes and cookies. The last kid ended up decorating a paper plate full of frosting. That was fun to watch since he had one hand piping frosting while the other was scooping it up and eating it. I couldn’t help but think that the kid was probably going to be up all night from the sugar. Oh, well. It’s Halloween.

Maybe I should keep the makeup and use it to paint myself up as a zombie and scare the crap out of Paul on April Fool’s Day. I don’t want to let it go to waste 😉

Thanks for reading!

October 31, 2011. Tags: , , . Life. 5 comments.

Five Things Friday: That’s what’s up edition

Weekend Plans

Our weekends are usually busy but this one is more jam-packed than usual. So much so I had to put together an itinerary (in excel, of course) so I wouldn’t forget to do something. Tonight we only have one thing on the agenda but it will occupy our whole evening. Paul and I are helping out at the Haunted House on post over at the Warrior Transition Unity for the wounded soldiers and their families. I am going to be a zombie and last night I made my costume. I took some of my way-too-big clothes and ripped, cut, burned, and bloodied them up. After work I will head over to the haunted house and get dressed and zombie myself up. Thankfully my friend Whit is highly talented with theatrical makeup and gave me some tips. Although good makeup or bad makeup I will still be pretty scary looking 😉

Tomorrow I have my normal Saturday morning classes, Tai Chi and Nia, and afterwards Paul and I are heading my company’s employee appreciation picnic. I’m not going to lie; I am pretty darn excited for this picnic. It is at one of our locations that have a big park and they are having all sorts of free food and activities. Some of the things I am looking forward to are the rock climbing wall and the Euro Bungee Trampoline. I have never done either so I am going to try and do both if I can and of course I will be making Paul take plenty of pictures. After the picnic I have to run to the grocery store to pick up dinner stuff and ingredients to make soups on Sunday morning. Then Paul and I will be heading to the Rampage game. That’s Saturday.

Sunday is even busier. First thing in the morning I am going to make up two batches of soup for weekday lunches. At 10am I have Journey Dance which goes to 11:15. Then home for a shower and a quick bite before MS comes over to my place at 1230p. Then the two of us will be heading over to the Synergy Studio for Sound Journey with Jodi Roberts (the gongs and Tibetan bowl lady) at 1pm followed by a 330pm Rampage hockey game which MS is attending with me. Then afterwards home to change and back out to Synergy for the 7pm Kundalini Yoga class. That’s Sunday. This weekend is definitely jam-packed but it’s filled with all fun things so I am really looking forward to it. What’s on your agenda?

Non-Scale Victories

I had a few NSVs this week and wanted to share them with you. The first was Monday when I went to the PX (Post Exchange, our Wal-Mart/Target like store on post) to buy a new pair of pants. I bought a pair of size 16 pants from the regular size section instead of the plus size section. Yes, I realize that 16 is still plus sized but this means I can fit into size 16 pants from non-plus size stores which makes me happy. Then I went over to grab some new socks and ended up looking at the Hanes underpants. I looked at the size chart on the back- size 8 fits size 14-16 women. I desperately needed new underpants since I had yet to buy new ones since I started losing weight. Don’t judge, buying new shit all the time is expensive and underpants were not high up on my list. Any who, I decided to spend the 8 bucks for a 6 pack of Hanes underpants figuring that if they were too small now I would fit in them eventually. Guess what? I fit in them now. Score! Double score for no longer having to buy my underpants from a plus size store which by the way tries to rob you blind in my opinion. At best the sell plain cotton panties for $5 each on sale but the usually are around $15 each which is nuts for plain cotton underpants. I mean yes there is more material being used but not that much. Sheesh, what a rip off.!

My second NSV came on Tuesday when my Pilates instructor stopped me after class. She came up to me and told me she has noticed improvement in my form and that she also noticed how much weight I have lost and that my clothes are fitting me better. That was pretty awesome to hear. Of course I love having people tell me they are noticing my physical changes but I also love to hear I am improving my physical form as well. Some things we do in Pilates and in yoga I struggle with because my belly or boobs get in the way. It can be discouraging at times but as I lose weight and my body changes I am having an easier time at it. It’s nice to know people can notice these things as well.

Fake Exercise

If you follow me on Twitter (which if you aren’t, you should @dacialee33) then you probably already know this story but too bad, you have to hear about it again. On Tuesday after Weight Watchers I was having a conversation with a co-worker about my weight loss. This is how it went:

Him: “you’re doing pretty well so far with your weight loss”

Me: “yeah”

Him: “especially since you don’t exercise”

Me: “What? What do you mean? I exercise on average anywhere from 800-1000 minutes a week.”

Him: “yeah, you do that tai chi stuff. It’s not real exercise”

Here’s a newsflash in case you didn’t already know I fake exercise. That was some bullcrap if I ever heard it and I can go into detail about how annoying it was to hear that or how rude this person was but I won’t. Exercise is exercise; it doesn’t matter what you do it only matters that you are doing it. Find something you love, whatever that might be, and just try to incorporate it into your life whenever you can.


I’m going to Houston not next week but the week after. I found this out yesterday. It’s only for two days but I am pretty excited. I am going to attend a training class for Tableau, analytics software I use in my job, and I cannot wait. I doubt I will have much more than one free night but if you have any recommendations of things to see, places to eat, etc. let me know. I have only ever driven through Houston, en route to New Orleans, but haven’t really seen much of the city. I am staying in the Galleria area which I think is downtown. I am pretty excited to check it out. Hopefully I can stay on plan, get some exercise in and not jeopardize myself in Shrinkvivor if I am still in the competition at that point. Oh, and I should tell you that my tribe, Hodari Gray, received immunity and we are all safe. Yay! One of my tribe mates logged over 2600 minutes exercise, she had a two day danceathon, which I am sure made our tribe a lock for immunity. So much good news and so many good things happened this week. Yay! J


I just wanted to share with you some photos from the walk I took at lunch today. Although it was cold it was a beautiful day. It’s weather like this that makes me happy to live here.








Have a great weekend! Thanks for reading!

October 28, 2011. Tags: , , , , , , . Fitness, Life, Weight Loss. 2 comments.

It’s Friday- Let’s Dance

I love David Bowie so I am biased but I think even non-Bowie fans will like this song. It’s Friday, let’s dance….or at least put on your headphones and bop around at your desk like I do all day long 🙂 Enjoy!

October 28, 2011. Tags: , , . Friday Jam Session, Music. Leave a comment.

Eighty Reasons to Read This Post

Well ladies and gentlemen, and by gentlemen I mean Paul since I am pretty sure he is the only man reading this, the day has come for me to announce that I have LOST 80 POUNDS! Yesterday, I said I was just ounces away and that I needed to start thinking of things that weigh 80 pounds to feature in a post once I got there. I didn’t realize I would reach it overnight and I’m not going to lie, I didn’t even think about it until the scale said 206.0 this morning and I realized I needed to come up with something clever, fast. Thankfully my great friend JH (James and Jax left me this comment;

‘Two 4-year-olds weigh about 80lbs. and from Googling I can tell you that the World’s Largest Ball of Tape weighs 80 lbs.’

Sadly, after Googling to find an image of the World’s Largest Ball of Tape I found that it is actually 117 pounds. Oh, well. Remember this for when I have lost 117 pounds. I can still use it, just not now. Intrigued but what other large oddities out there that might weigh 80 pounds I decided to Googled ‘World’s Largest 80 pounds’ and here is what I found.

World’s Largest Gold Rush relic: an 80-pound gold brick

World’s Largest Catfish on Record: 80 Pounds, caught in Indiana in 1934- probably not accurate anymore


Photo from Wikipedia

*I was curious as to how big an 80 pound fish actually is and found a picture on Wikipedia of an 80 pound Halibut. Yes, I know that’s not the same as a catfish but still. This fish is freaking huge!

The jackfruit tree bears the largest tree-born fruit, reaching 80 pounds in weight. It’s actually the national fruit of Bangladesh


Photo from Wikipedia

*I think you could feed a small army off of one jackfruit!

Big Mama’s & Papa’s Pizzeria (California) offer the biggest deliverable pizza in the world which weighs in at 80 pounds. FYI- you need at least 24 hours notice if you want to order this pizza.


Photo from bigmamaspizza.com

There is a YouTube video called ‘River Monsters: 80 lb. Piranha’ – eff that. I hate piranhas, I am not going to watch that but Google it if you want.

World’s Largest Matzo Ball weighs 267 pounds- it was made with 80 pounds of margarine

Similar result: World’s Largest Sushi Roll (330 foot) contained 80 pounds of avocado, world’s largest burger (123 pounds) used an 80 pound beef patty, and the world’s largest pumpkin pie (350 pounds) used 80 pounds of cooked pumpkin

In my searching I also found 80 pound dumbbells and 80 pound kettlebells (that’s some craziness, I get exhausted swinging a 15 pound kettlebell I can’t even imagine an 80 pound one) but what made me the happiest was finding the heavy bags, for boxing, weigh 80 pounds. How cool is that? Something that is such a big part of my journey weighs 80 pounds. Boxing has given me, and continues to give me, the confidence I have never had. Every class is a challenge for me and after each one I feel a huge sense of pride and accomplishment. Boxing was the first scary, difficult, challenging, intense thing I did since starting my WLJ and surviving and growing through boxing allowed me to develop courage. It helped me realize I was stronger than I thought and that nothing was impossible. I will be forever grateful to the wonderful trainers at Club K.O. for expecting 100%, pushing me to my limits, and making me stronger. Every time I step up to that heavy bag I will remember the changes boxing has made to my life and recognize that 80 pound that used to be a part of me physically but now resides in my heart as love and my mind as a fabulous (and torturous) memory.


Photo from amazon.com

Yay for 80 pounds gone!

Better watch out 199 – I’m coming for you!

Thanks for reading!

October 27, 2011. Tags: , , , , , . Weight Loss, Weight Watchers. 4 comments.

Weight Watchers and Shrinkvivor Update

Ok, so I owe you two weigh in results and you are going to get them both in one post. Hopefully this post isn’t confusing for anyone, myself included J

Yesterday was my Weight Watchers meeting. I weighed in at 208.2 pounds for a loss of 2.8 pounds since last week. This brought my total weight loss on WW up to 71.8 pounds. Getting close to earning a 75 pound (lost) star, it’s green, and I can’t wait to show it off to you once I do!

Today was my Shrinkvivor check in and I weighed in at 206.8 pounds for a loss of 2.4 pounds from last week. No, in case you are wondering, I didn’t lose 1.4 pounds in one day. The weight difference between yesterday and today is due to weighing in at work, fully clothed, mid-day versus weighing myself at home, nekked, first thing in the morning. My total Shrinkvivor weight loss so far is 10.4 pounds in the four weeks since the contest started. I am pretty pleased with my results so far 🙂


Ugh, I hate my little sausage toes 😦

Also, I wanted to point out that I am now just 0.8 pounds away from having lost 80 pounds. Since February 22nd. That’s pretty crazy. Hmmmm….thinking I should start researching things that weigh 80 pounds so I can share them in a post with you . Does anyone have any 80 pound kids? Or maybe two younger children that together weigh 80 pounds?

This week’s Shrinkvivor challenge was exercise minutes and I logged 720 of them. This was below normal for me because I missed an hour long yoga class because of a work conflict and then my 75 minute Journey Dance class was cancelled. Boo! However, I am confident that my tribe will have a pretty high average for exercise minutes because one of my tribe mates had a two day long dance-a-thon and logged over 2600+ exercise minutes. That is just craziness! I am impressed and very thankful she is on my tribe 😉 This week I hope to get my minutes back up above 800 if possible. Friday I will be missing out on a Nia class because Paul and I volunteered to work at a haunted house on post for military families of soldiers at the Warrior Transition Unit and the Institute for Surgical Research. Actually we have a lot of fun things going on this weekend and I can’t wait to tell you all about them. Another time. In a different post. Hopefully tomorrow.

Until then, thanks for reading!

October 26, 2011. Tags: , , , . Shrinkvivor, Weight Loss, Weight Watchers. 4 comments.

Wordless Wednesday: Randomness

Here are some random photos. Enjoy!

We went to the shooting range so Paul could blow some shit up. Ok, not really- he was working on his marksmanship.



We bought a Halloween costume for the dogs; neither one liked it very much.




Went to a hockey game where I spent a bulk of the time staring at beers balanced on a ledge just waiting for them to fall. They didn’t.



Received the best Klout perk ever in the mail!!! Top Chef baby!


Wore some new clothes





And I saved some funny pictures posted on Facebook.





Thanks for reading!

October 26, 2011. Tags: , , , , . Life, wordless wednesday. 2 comments.

Five Things Friday


Well, last night’s Shrinkvivor results were not quite what I was hoping for. Of course you know I was hoping that Tribe Hodari Gray would have had immunity again but unfortunately that did not happen. Sadly we lost one of our tribe mates but thankfully it wasn’t me. Unfortunately the person who was eliminated from our tribe was not sent to exile but instead has been eliminated from the game completely since she failed to check in; failure to check in automatically disqualifies you from the game. Not sure how we faired exercise minutes wise but having a tribe mate not record any (since she didn’t check in) probably significantly hurt our tribe’s odds at winning immunity. Oh well, there is always next week.

The Health Snob

I saw this post yesterday (go read it, it’s only a few sentences) and initially it made me laugh. Then it made me a little bit nervous. Am I a health snob? I truly hope not. I know I do talk a lot about my changing diet and what new foods I am (or am not) eating and things I have tried but I hope that none of you feel that I am trying to force upon you my lifestyle especially when it comes to food. I understand that all of us, regardless of whether or not we are trying to lose weight, eat differently. That’s why I try to speak in generalities when I give advice or talk about things that work for me. Just because giving up dairy has helped my digestion does not mean that it will do the same for you. I don’t care what you eat nor will I ever judge you because of it and hopefully you feel that way about me as well 🙂 If I am ever acting like a health snob please call me out on it. I won’t hold it against you. Oh, and that banana really is the worst possible fruit you can eat 😉 JK

Video Blog

I only received one comment in regards to whether or not my next vlog should be a cooking one or a Q&A one and since the comment said Q&A that is what I am going to go with. So, please submit any questions you might have for me, no topic is off-limits, and send them in via comments, tweets, email, etc. and if I get some in quickly enough I might be able to film it this weekend. Also, if there is anything you want to see in the vlog, not sure what you would want to see, let me know and I will try to include that too.


I love Halloween. I love costumes and dressing up and of course all of the CANDY! Paul, however, is not a big fan of the holiday, or at least not a fan of dressing up. There have been a few times he dressed up for costume parties but now, forget it. He just isn’t interested. However, this year we will be dressing up on October 28th because we volunteered to help run the haunted house they are having on post for the military families. Don’t ask me any details; that’s all I know. I don’t care though- I get to dress up! Yay! Now the stressful part begins- what to wear. Being that I am still plus size finding a costume that fits is going to be difficult. I may end up getting a men’s costume and I am ok with that. If I was creative I probably could come up with something on my own but I am not so I am off to the costume store tomorrow in hopes I can find something that fits and is appropriate to wear around kids. If you have any costume ideas or suggestions please let me know. It would be great if I could shop tomorrow with an idea of what to look for.

My Sunday Morning

Most Sunday’s mornings I can be found at The Synergy Studio for a Journey Dance class. JD is basically guided free dance and as we dance through our own personal journey we are given ideas or pearls of wisdom to help us along the way. For example, as we are dancing our heart song, focusing on our heart and the emotions we feel, Adelle or Angie will say to us’ “what would your life be like if you followed your heart?” That question always gets me thinking. Another thing we do in class is go through a healing dance bringing out our inner Shaman. Sometimes the movements are different but the ritual is always the same; letting go of what we don’t need, bringing into our heart what we do. Every Sunday I let go of the self-hate, doubt, anger, pity and any other negative emotion I am feeling at the time and then allow into my heart self-love, joy, happiness, respect, and strength to help heal myself and become a better person. This dance is a great way to cleanse your spirit. This Sunday there is no Journey Dance class which breaks my heart. I have grown accustomed to spending 75 minutes every week in a self-reflective dance. Although I will not be at the studio dancing I will still go through the routine on my own and I ask you to join me by taking a few minutes this Sunday morning and bring out your inner Shaman. In whatever manner you feel is fitting, cleanse yourself of negative emotions and in their place allow your body to fill with positive emotions. You can dance, you can create a wiping motion over your body pushing away the negativity, or you can meditate on these thoughts- whatever works for you. Just take a few minutes to yourself and think about what negativity you need to rid yourself of and what positivity you need in your life. I hope you can join me- it is a great way to start the week.

Have a great weekend! Thanks for reading!

October 21, 2011. Tags: , , , , , . Life. 3 comments.


Do you like music? Do you like movies? If the answer to either is yes you need to go watch Echotone – right now. I am not sure if you remember me mentioning this film before (it was directed by Nathan Christ, the son of a man I take Qigong and Tai Chi classes with) and so I am including the link to the film’s website so you can go watch the trailer – right now. While you are on the website you can also go buy the DVD too if you want. I bought it. It’s amazing and I hope you get a chance to watch it. It’s a small, independent, low-budget film but you would never know it. The cinematography is breathtaking, the film editing is seamless, and the storyline mesmerizing it is hard to believe this movie wasn’t made on a fifty million dollar budget. It just goes to show you how blood, sweat and tears matched with raw talent and unfiltered passion can create something magical.

The movie tells the story of the effect of urban expansion on Austin’s live music scene. The film shows us the perspective of all sides; the musicians, the contractors and the city residents. It tells us the story, the whole story, and does so without bias. Although you may empathize with one side or another the film does not force it’s beliefs on you- it allows you to form your opinion which that unto itself is a very difficult thing to do. Not only was this film an eye opener to how the imploding music industry and the commercialization of popular music has affected the ‘local’ musicians it also showed me the what it is like to be truly passionate about something. In the film we see the lead vocalist of Belaire hand making- a long, painstaking process- the CD cover inserts and t-shirts to sell at an upcoming show. Not because she has to but because she loves doing it, she loves creating something unique and special because she is passionate about her music and her art. When the Echotone DVD package arrived at my house it included something else along with the movie. It came with a long handwritten thank you note. Genuine words of thanks written by someone passionate about their work. How amazing? I love this film. I wouldn’t be sitting here endorsing it if I didn’t. If I can get just a handful of people to watch it and in turn maybe talk/write about it too I know it could help get the word out about it. This film deserves to be seen by the masses it is just that good.

Oh, and you can also go to Indie Pix Unlimited, it’s like Netflix but for Indie films, and ‘rent’ the movie that way. I think they even have a free month trial going on right now. If you watch it please blog, tweet, Facebook, etc. about it. I would really appreciate it!

Thanks for reading! Now go watch Echotone!

October 21, 2011. Tags: , , , , , . Movies, Music. 1 comment.

Random Thoughts

Random topics and thoughts to help get you through your Thursday 🙂

1. In case you hadn’t heard a 4.6 magnitude earthquake hit about 50 miles outside of San Antonio this morning. I was at work, on the ninth floor of a ten floor building, when it happened. The building was swaying; it felt like I was on a boat. I got a little seasick but it passed pretty quickly. Since everyone felt it we all immediately wondered if it was our building possibly about to collapse (kidding, sort of) or if we had an earthquake. People were on their phones and scouring the internet trying to figure out what had happened. It took about 20 minutes but we finally were able to confirm that it was an earthquake. How random? About thirty minutes after the quake our building was evacuated so they could check for structural damage. I was hoping this process would take a long time and we would be able to hang outside and enjoy the fall weather but it wasn’t too long before we were being told we could go back in. Oh, well. I have already lived through a San Antonio snow day I shouldn’t hold my breath for a San Antonio earthquake day 😉

2. Today I went for a walk with the at-work lunchtime walking group. It was the perfect weather for a nice walk along the river. I really enjoyed it and I enjoyed talking with a woman in the group I had never met before. We walked together almost the whole time and it was nice getting to know her. I love meeting new people and I love having company on my walks so it was a win-win for me. Once I was back in the office I promptly went to change back into my work clothes. Unfortunately we don’t have any type of locker room /changing areas in the building I work in. When we get changed we do so in the restroom. Since I am not thrilled with the idea of throwing my clothes onto the bathroom floor while I undress I take the clothes I am changing into and hang them up on the hook on the back of the stall door. Then as I take clothes off I place them on top of my gym bag. As I was doing this clothes switch I hung my work pants on the hook and as I did I noticed the mother of all tears in the crotch of my pants. If I had to guess the tear is four to six inches long. Not sure but it basically runs the length of my lady parts. Ugh! I am pretty sure it is not noticeable from the back but I am trying to stay seated at my desk as much as possible just to be safe. This sucks. I have to pee. Not to mention these are new pants and this is only the second time I have worn them. Boo that!

3. I thought Pandora was spot on today playing all kinds of great songs I love. Then I realized I had my iPod on shuffle. LOL!

4. Will I still be able to float next summer? I am/was a very buoyant person but I think a lot of that is due to my high body fat percentage. Next summer when I am at a normal body fat percentage will I still be able to float? Paul has very little body fat and he can’t float. I wonder if that will happen to me.

5. Should I change my blog name in January once I am 34?

6. If I did another vlog would you want to see a cooking one or a Q&A one? Keep in mind if it is a cooking one it will probably be a vegan dish.

Ok, that’s all I’ve got for today. Thanks for reading!

October 20, 2011. Tags: , , , , . Life, San Antonio. 5 comments.

Shrinkvivor Weekly Check-In: Tribe Hodari Gray

This week has been crazy and I haven’t had the free time needed to write up my usual blog posts. This morning, however, I was up at 4am (ok, I hit snooze until 420a) in order to weigh in for Shrinkvivor. Since I was up an hour earlier than usual I had some extra time to write up a short post about my check in. No worries though, life should be back to normal tomorrow and my lengthy mind-numbing posts will be back 😉

My favorite visitor was in town this week, yes I am referring to my period, and I never know whether or not I will lose during my TOM. I was pretty excited to step on the scale this morning and see 209.2 pounds. Not only am I down 1.6 pounds from last Wednesday (woo hoo!) I am now less than ten pounds away from leaving the 200’s. Let me say that again- LESS…THAN…TEN…POUNDS!!! You have no idea how happy this makes me. Yes, I know that I still have a long road ahead of me until I am at a healthy weight/BMI/body fat% but crossing over that huge hurdle from 200’s to 100’s will be a big accomplishment for me. It’s been a very long time since my weight started with a ‘1’. I am not sure how long but if I had to guess it’s probably been the better part of a decade.


I would like to note also that I am very happy with a 1.6 pound loss. I would be lying if I said that seeing a four or five pound loss wouldn’t have made me happy but the truth of it is that 1.6 pounds makes me even happier. Why? Because that is what I should be losing weekly. Yes, I love those big numbers and it is exciting to see them propelling me closer to my goal but in reality I do want to lose at a slower, constant rate. It’s not only healthier for me but it’s better for my body (meaning loose skin/toning) to lose that way. Unfortunately I have no control over how my body loses weight meaning I pretty much do the same things; exercise, food, sleep, each week and yet one week I lose 4 pounds and the next I lose 1 pound. I think that ovulation and menstruation are playing into this as well. Whenever my hormones are fluctuating so is my weight loss. I guess that is just part of life though, right? I will just keep making the best decisions I can in regards to my health and accept the way my body loses/gains in the process.

Our Shrinkvivor challenge was logging exercise minutes. This week I set my personal goal for this challenge to reach/exceed 900 minutes. My end result – 1,060 minutes logged. That’s 17 hours and 40 minutes which in my opinion is pretty crazy. However, while it is happening during the week it doesn’t seem excessive so I guess that’s a good thing, right?

How did I do it? How did I log a couple hundred more minutes this week versus the week prior? What happened was a few activities popped up this week that I wanted to participate in and in turn I also wanted to take part in my regular classes so I just added them in. There was a free yoga class that was held at McAllister Park on Saturday and it was such a beautiful day I had no other choice but to get out there and participate. Then on Sunday we had our monthly Ecstatic Dance meetup and I couldn’t miss that either. I also added in a lunchtime walk on Friday which wasn’t an activity I previously had done but going forward might be something I keep on the schedule. I say it all the time, and I don’t mean to be a broken record, but this is why it is important to find activities you love doing. I logged over seven hours of activity between Saturday and Sunday events; Tai Chi, yoga, dancing, and I couldn’t have been happier. I felt fabulous inside and out and I was still able to spend the rest of those days enjoying quality time with Paul. So, yes, I am happy that once again our weekly challenge is logging activity minutes but even if it wasn’t I would still keep doing what I do. It’s what I love. It makes me stronger. It makes me healthier. It makes me happier. Regardless of the outcome of Shrinkvivor I am already a winner. I won my life back. That’s the ultimate prize.

Best of luck to all Shrinkvivor participants this week!

Go Tribe Hodari Gray!

Thanks for reading!

October 19, 2011. Tags: , , , , , , , , . Shrinkvivor, Weight Loss. 3 comments.

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